Important Decisions for Psychiatric Sector

Important Decisions for Psychiatric Sector

The Cabinet of Ministers approved "Regulations for Community Mental Health Center and Minimum Quality Standards", elaborated by Moldovan Ministry of Health. Under this decision, which was adopted on January 25, and according to "National Mental Health Program for 2012-2016", which is in the process of elaboration, it is planned to open four centers in the region during 2012 and four centers annually over the next four years.
According to the Ministry of Health, the Government decision started the process of ensuring mental health services in community and their adjustment to European and International standards.

The centers will provide medical treatment, individual and group psychotherapy, psychological counseling, support and counseling in mental health, personal care and hygiene, periodical health evaluation, correct nutrition, health education, occupational therapy, ergotherapy. Therapeutic teams will be made up of psychiatrists, psychologists, social assistants, medical psychiatric assistants.

The centers will offer 3 types of services: day center for children and adults, temporary placement, mobile assistance at home and crisis resolution. The beneficiaries of the Centers will be people with mental disabilities, including people who suffer psychic disorders in state of remission or people with mild or medium degree of mental retardation; people with invalidity degree; people aged 18-60 for day centers for adults and people aged 4-18 for day centers for children, etc.

Community Mental Health Centers can be funded from local budgets, obligatory health insurance funds, state budgets and other sources.

At the moment in Moldova there are seven Mental Health Centers.

january 26, 2012