„Common Borders. Common solutions”

„Common Borders. Common solutions”

  Association PARTENER – Local Development Initiative Croup (Romania), together with Association SOMATO, Balti, Association „Alianţa Între Generaţii” from Falesti (Republic of Moldova), Association HELICOMED and Friendship Association Romania-Ukraine (Romania) are implementing project initiatives on cross border cooperation on mental health of adolescents from Romania-Moldova border area. The project launched on April 21, 2011, that will last 18 months, is implemented under the Joint Operational Program Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013, funded by European Union. The project aims Iasi, Botosani and Vaslui (Romania) and Balti, Falesti, Edinet, Ungheni and Leova in the Republic of Moldova.

The main goal of the project is to contribute to development and promotion of mental health among adolescents and young people from Romania-Moldova border area, based on increasing the role of civil society and local community. The project supports cross-border exchange of experience and best practices between specialists and organizations working in mental health on both sides of the border.

Under this project 1250 teenagers aged 13-18 from the mentioned area will participate in information campaign and trainings in mental health that will generate a better psychosocial adaptation, will reduce learning problems, behavioral problems, aggression, will contribute to a better mental health status, etc. Among project beneficiaries there will be 60 teachers, 20 school medics, 10 school medical assistants, 10 school psychologists, 20 NGOS working in social field and mental health, 4 local administrations, etc. 

The total cost of the project is 165.931 Euros, of this amount 148.923,07 Euros are offered from European Union grants.

Joint Operational Program Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 is funded by the European Union through the European Neighborhood and Partnership and co-funded by the parties participating in the program.

june 22, 2011