Campaign to support people with mental health problems

Campaign to support people with mental health problems

Association SOMATO, Balti, announces the start of campaign to support people with mental health problems. The campaign is entitled „Let’s stay close to people with mental health problems” and will be promoted throughout the month of May. Through this activity, Association SOMATO aims at raising awareness of general public, especially from Chisinau, Balti, Rezina and Ungheni districts, with the regards to acceptance and providing equal opportunities for community living for people with mental health problems. During the campaign at local and national TV and radio stations there will be broadcasted programs that will promote tolerance towards this category of people.

Mental health specialists will participate at TV programs to discuss everyday problems mentally disabled people face.

Newspapers from Chisinau, Balti, Rezina and Ungheni will publish articles on mental health issues.

In these districts and towns there will be organized round tables, at which mental health specialists, representatives of local authorities and civil society, will discuss ways and means of improvement the situation of people with mental health problems.

The campaign is organized by the Association SOMATO in partnership with the Ministry of Health within the project “Development of the system of community-based mental health services in the Republic of Moldova (phase II)”, with financial support by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation”.

The campaign is organized (11-12 May, 2011) by the Association SOMATO with financial support by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

may 3, 2011