Assessment on the subject of mental health in Balti
On November 25, 2011 Association SOMATO from Balti completed the process
of evaluation of knowledge on mental health among pupils and teachers
from two schools from municipality. Evaluations were performed in secondary school №19 from Elizaveta, a
suburb of Balti municipality, and Balti high school “George Coºbuc”. In
school from Elizaveta were tested 67 pupils and 5 teachers, but in high
school “G. Coºbuc” – 96 pupils and 6 teachers, including psychologist
from the institution.
The process of evaluation of knowledge on mental health among pupils
from 7-11 forms and teachers took place in the beginning of the academic
year. There were elaborated assessment scales, and participants in this
research were asked to respond anonymously.
Previously, in order to carry out these activities, Association SOMATO signed Collaboration Agreement with local Education Department. A similar activity will be carried out in Falesti district, and Association PARTENER GIDL and HELICOMED from Romania will organize similar activities in Iasi municipality and county.
By the end of this year, experts from Association SOMATO will analyze obtained results and will elaborate a report on the level of knowledge on mental health problems among pupils and teachers. Based on specific information needs identified in the report, Association SOMATO, together with Association PARTENER GIDL and HELICOMED from Romania, will elaborate three brochures on mental health – „SMADOgen”, „SMADOplus”, „SMADOfort”, which will be used during educational and informational activities within the project.
Evaluation of the level of information in mental health among pupils and teachers in two schools was performed within the project “Initiatives on cross border cooperation on mental health of adolescents from Romania-Moldova border area” (code MIS-ETC 947), funded by Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013. The partners of the project are Association PARTENER GIDL, Association HELICOMED and Friend Association Romania-Ukraine from Romania. The project aims to foster cross-border cooperation in the border area with a view to exchange experience and enhance transfer of best practices among professionals, specialized structures and community support structures, formal and informal organizations.